3rd Czech-Israeli Forum on Innovation
Smart Cities
25 May 2022 | Czernin Palace, Prague, Czech Republic

Objectives of the Event
Inclusive, safe, and resilient cities are one of the key UN Sustainable Development Goals. From that perspective, utilization of innovative technologies is important as they enable an effective planning and governance of communities, a better functioning of transport systems, ameliorate access to healthcare and other basic services, and protect the environment.
The 3rd Czech-Israeli Forum on Innovations is organized on 25 May 2022 to facilitate Czech-Israeli partnerships in pursuing these goals.
The CIFI 2022 shall provide a platform to discuss key issues regarding development and implementation of smart technologies for urban planning and management and should boost Czech-Israeli collaboration.
Main Topics
A Vision of Smart Cities in 2030
Smart Cities Concepts Utilizing new Technologies
Key Elements for Building Smart, Sustainable & Resilient Communities
Smart Solutions in Everyday Life
Presentations of Czech and Israeli Enterprises
Part 3:
Part 4:
The registration was closed. Many thanks to all participants for their attendence.
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About CIFI
The Czech-Israeli friendship is deeply rooted dating back to the foundations of the modern State of Israel and then Czechoslovakia and even beyond. Friendly relations between Israel and Czechia encompass a whole spectrum from economy and trade, to art and culture, to science and innovation, and people-to-people contacts. Although being located far away in geographical terms, both countries and nations have always been very close partners.
An important area of mutual collaboration is research and development. Over recent years, many common projects and partnerships involving Czech and Israeli scientists have been forged. Israel is internationally recognized as a research and innovation powerhouse. Czech science and technologies are well known and can build on remarkable capacities, skills and tradition.
In 2019 the Czech Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Embassy of the State of Israel and the Czech-Israeli Mutual Chamber of Commerce launched a new platform to boost ongoing RDI cooperation, namely the Czech-Israeli Forum on Innovation (CIFI).
So far, two CIFIs have taken place, the second one (in an online form due to the COVID pandemics). The topics under consideration included, inter alia, start-up development and e-health technologies. The last CIFI (2020) helped to pave the way for the establishment of the Czech-Israeli Innovations and Partnership Centre (CCIIP).

Target Groups
The event will bring together policymakers, senior researchers and innovative entrepreneurs and other key stakeholders. It shall facilitate new partnerships and open up new opportunities for research institutes and firms from both countries.
3rd Czech-Israeli Forum on Innovation on Smart Cities
25 May 2022 | Czernin Palace, Prague
07:45-08:30 | REGISTRATION
08:30-09:30 | WELCOME
- H.E. Jan Lipavský, Czech Minister of Foreign Affairs (Host)
- H.E. Orit Farkash-Hacohen, Israeli Minister of Science and Technology (pre-recorded)
- H.E. Ivan Bartoš, Czech Deputy Prime Minister for Digitisation and Minister of Regional Development
- H.E. Helena Langšádlová, Czech Minister of Science, Research and Innovation
- H.E. Petr Gazdík, Czech Minister of Education, Youth and Sports (pre-recorded)
- Mr. Pavel Smutný, President of Czech-Israeli Mutual Chamber of Commerce
09:30-10:45 | SESSION I: Key notes
- Smart Cities 2030: A proposed road map: Prof. Eyal Yaniv, Chair of Bar-Ilan Center for Smart Cities
- Industry 4.0 and Smart Cities technologies: Prof. Vladimír Mařík, Scientific Director at CIIRC CTU
- Technology as a superorganism and what does it want from us: Prof. David Passig, Bar-Ilan University, Head of Graduate Program in ICT
- Smart, sustainable and resilient cities, large & small: Ing. Rut Bízková, Member of the RDI Council of the Czech Republic
- Smart energy innovation for the energy transition: Gideon Friedman, Chief Scientist, Israeli Ministry of Energy
10:45-11:15 | COFFEE BREAK
11:15-12:30 | SESSION II: Smart cities solutions and technologies
- Urban geography as a means to study the urban structure and its development focusing on local variability within a general context: Prof. Itamar Lensky, Bar-Ilan University, Head of Remote Sensing and GIS Lab
- City of the Future: Ing. Michal Postránecký, Head of Center of the City of the Future, CIIRC CTU
- Tourists’ flow patterns identification and information provision for safe evacuation: Dr. Yuval Hadas, Bar-Ilan University, Deputy Chair of the Management Department
- Chytrá Evropská, a testbed for modelling of smart solutions: Prof. Miroslav Svítek, CIIRC CTU
- Urban walkability: Prof. Tova Rosenbloom, Bar-Ilan Ubniversity, Head of Research Institute of Human Factors of Road Safety
12:30-12:45 | COFFEE BREAK
12:45-13:30 | SESSION III: Smart solutions and visions
- Agnostic remote bio-sensor for multi-parametric bio-sensing and authentication: Prof. Zeev Zalevsky, Dean of Faculty of Engineering
- Presentation of University Center for Energy Efficient Buildings CTU: Michal Kuzmič, Co-ordinator for Smart Cities
- Employing smart, nature-based solution in the smart city: The case study of Tel-Aviv metropolitan: Anat Tchetchik, Bar-Ilan University, Head of Environmental Management and Innovation Program
13:30-14:30 | LUNCH
- Side Event: Presentation of Czech-Israeli Innovation and Partnership Centre project: Tomáš Jelínek, Executive Board Member, Asst. Prof. Jaroslav Burian
14:30-15:15 | SESSION IV: Programs to support bilateral RDI co-operation
- Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports: Václav Velčovský, Deputy Minister
- Czech Academy of Sciences: Prof. Eva Zažímalová, Chairperson
- TACR: Prof. Petr Konvalinka, Chairman
- Czech Technical University, Faculty of Transportation Sciences: Prof. Ondřej Přibyl, Dean of the Faculty
15:15 – 16:15 | SESSION V: Smart solutions in everyday life I
- ČEZ ESCO – Smart solutions – a major operator perspective: David Martínek
- Operator ICT – Smart Prague Vision 2030: Tomáš Barczi, CEO
- VDT Technology: Erik Feldman, CEO
- TescoSW: Josef Tesařík
- Pocket Virtuality: Jan Hovora, CEO
- CertiCon: Petr Prášek
16:15-16:30 | COFFEE BREAK
16:30 – 17:30 | SESSION VI: Smart solutions in everyday life II
- mPrest: Rami Koren, VP BD Commercial Division
- A.D. Knight: Arie Abir, Co-Founder & Chairman
- CyWat Technologies: Thor Halperin, CEO
- MER Group: Hanan Eliav
- Mobi (Mobility Insight): Ori Harel
17:30 – 18:30 | GLASS OF WINE
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic
Czernin Palace
Loretánské náměstí 5
118 00 Prague 1
Czech Republic
Recomended Accomodation
Hotel Josef
Rybná 20
110 00 Prague 1
Czech Republic
Key Note Speakers

Prof. Vladimír Mařík

Prof. Eyal Yaniv
Bar-Ilan Center for Smart Cities

Dr. Rut Bízková
RDI Council

Prof. David Passig
Bar-Ilan University

Gideon Friedman
Israeli Ministry of Energy
The 3rd CIFI will be followed on 26 and 27 May 2022 by the
Smart Cities Symposium Prague 2022
organized by the Czech Technical University in Prague, Faculty of Transportation Sciences (FTS CTU).

This event aims to exchanges of ideas and best practices in the field of Smart Cities focusing on research addressing people’s behavior, their selection of activities and travel behavior. It will feature, inter alia
- 38 papers
- Keynote session
- Smart mobility workshop
For more information, please visit the conference website here.
Venue of the SCSP 2022
MINORITE Monastery
Malá Štupartská 6
Prague 1 – Old Town
Czech Republic